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Melidoni cave

Melidoni cave

Prinos Resort.

Melidoni cave or Geros Spilios, as it is also called, is located in a distance of 3km away from Melidoni Milopotamou, in the prefecture of Rethymno. The cave is located in an altitude of 220m. It is a place of scientific, historical and archaeological interest and it has been one of the four sacred Cretan caves.

During the Roman period, Taleos Hermes was worshipped in Melidoni cave. This was a regional cult which connected Talos, the legendary giant made of bronze, with god Hermes. Giant Talos had been worshipped in the cave since even older times, during the Neolithic and Minoan era. In Greek mythology, Talos was the protector of Crete, circling the island’s shores three times daily while guarding it.

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